Friday, January 25, 2013

Class Questions

1. What is your computer expirience?
    I am experienced in C# programming and how to build and repair PC's and networking.

2. What is your Major Class?
    My class major is Game Design and Development.

3. What do you hope to get out of this class?
    I hope to gain general knowledge and skills in graphic design using photoshop and illustrator.

4. Who is your favorite artist?
   My favorite artists would have to be Vincent Van Gough, and Leonardo Da Vinci

5. Write a 5 line Story.
    There was once this little alien who was flying along in his spaceship,  he was exploring the universe happy as could be going planet to planet making all sorts of friends.  I was time for him to explore this world far off on the tip of the Milky Way galaxy.  He landed on this plant filled with deep blue oceans and bright green plants.  When he landed there were trees ten times his size,  about a bunch of furry creatures running around.  Then this little boy came up and handed him a pineapple, from then on the little alien, the pineapple, and the boy where best of friends.

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